Connecting people to new life in Christ through belonging, support and hope

Thank you for your interest in our church. Welcome! We’d love to have you come and join us in person after your virtual visit!

Sunday morning worship is at 9.30 a.m. and you can click on the Worship page to find out more about the style and what to expect.  The News page has our announcements and you can also find our calendar and information about our other upcoming events.  Click here for Map and Directions, and there is plenty of parking in the lot beside the church. Our pastor enjoys meeting with newcomers, and would be happy to set up an appointment to meet with you.  Or just drop by the office during our office hours.

There’s a variety of ways to get involved in ministry both to those in our congregation, and to our wider community in the Byron / Discovery Bay area.  With our ecumenical partners (St. Anne’s Catholic Church and Delta Community Presbyterian Church), the Delta Community Christian Food Pantry serves over 60 families per week. Kaleidoscope, a movement of hope and connection for those living with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, was started by the church before becoming a non-profit in its own right, and is well-known and respected for its work. In our beautiful grounds, there are two gardens – a memorial garden and a sacred garden. The sacred garden contains a Labyrinth that you are welcome to walk at any time.

A typical week looks something like this.

8.30 am Adult Sunday School
9.00 am Choir Warms-up
9.30 am Nursery
9.30 am Worship Service with Children’s Sunday School
10.30 am Fellowship Time
11.15 am Leadership Meeting (monthly)

4.00 pm Food Pantry Packing (at St. Anne’s)

9.00 am Food Pantry Distribution
10.00 am Kaleidoscope Caregiver’s Support Group (1st & 3rd weeks)
1.00 pm Kaleidoscope Cancer Support Group (at Epic Center in Antioch)
6.30 pm Kaleidoscope Caregiver’s Support Group (2nd & 4th weeks)

7.30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous

Pastor’s office hours 9:00-1:00.  Stop by the church or call to make an appointment.

10.00 am Kaleidoscope Board (monthly)
6.00 pm Youth Group (1st and 3rd weeks at Brentwood UMC)
7.30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous

10.00 am Kaleidoscope Kids (monthly)
10.15 am Handbell Rehearsal