We ask our members and regular attendees to turn in an estimate of giving card each year. This enables our finance committee to set an accurate ministry budget for the coming year, and allows us to make the most of every dollar given to the church. On a personal level, the commitment card (sometimes called a pledge card) is an opportunity for you to spend time in prayer and reflection, considering what offering you would make to God through our church in the coming year.
Listed below are multiple options for your giving.
Check or Cash
Write a check or give cash on a scheduled basis in the offering plate periodically (weekly, monthly, quarterly etc.). Checks to be made payable to “Byron UMC.”
Online giving via PayPal
You may use PayPal to authorize fund transfers either from your PayPal account, or to make one-time payments from a debit or credit card.
If you choose to use PayPal for your giving, please click the button below to be directed to PayPal, where you will be asked to sign in and authorize an amount to be charged either to your PayPal account or to another credit or debit card you may choose.
Automatic Bill Pay
Through your bank, you can designate Byron UMC as a payee, with our church address below, and send automatic payments to us via your bank directly.
Giving donations may be mailed to Byron UMC, PO Box 175, Byron, CA 94514.
Below, we have included a sample chart with some income and percentage numbers that you can view to determine where your giving falls.
Or, if you would like to calculate not only income and percentage, but also see what percentage of your income you are currently giving, feel free to use the calculator here.
The top section of this calculator calculates percentages of your total income, making it easy to figure how much to contribute on a regular basis. The bottom section makes it possible to determine what proportion/percentage of total income you are currently contributing through the church.