Connecting people to new life in Christ through belonging, support and hope

Children’s Ministries

all-in-one bible fun

Our nursery for babies and young children up to three years-old is open throughout our Sunday morning worship service and is staffed by our wonderful volunteers.

Children come to our Sunday worship service at 9:30 a.m. and stay for about 20 minutes including a Children’s Moment led by the pastor. They then have the option of leaving to go to their own age-appropriate Sunday School classes. We use a curriculum called All-in-One Bible Fun that incorporates Bible stories, activities, crafts, and games into a fun faith experience for children.

In December the children participate in a Children’s Pageant reenacting the events of the first Christmas in an imaginative way.

children playing in playgroundWe have a children’s playground that the children love to play on after worship and at other events.