Connecting people to new life in Christ through belonging, support and hope


Our worship service is held on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Our service style is informal-traditional with music from the United Methodist hymnals and a variety of more modern songs.

You are encouraged to wear whatever is comfortable for you. Some of our congregation dress up, and others come in t-shirts, jeans or shorts.

There are hearing-assisted devices available for the hard of hearing; ask the audio technician sitting at the back of the church. The building has disabled parking at the side of the main building, there is a ramp from the parking lot to the back entrance, and spots for wheelchairs in the church.

Lyrics and any congregational responses are projected on the screen in a large font, so it is easy to follow along, and our worship leaders tell you when to stand and sit.  The hymn numbers are also projected, so if you prefer to have the music in your hands, then you can also follow along in the hymnals, although most folk do not.

Children's Time

We have a nursery for babies and young children up to three years-old that is open throughout the service and staffed by our wonderful volunteers.

Children and youth come to the worship service at 9.30 a.m. and stay for about 20 minutes, including a Children’s Moment led by the pastor. They then have the option of leaving to go to their own age-appropriate Sunday School classes.

After the worship service, the congregation gathers adjacent to the sanctuary for refreshments and conversation.

Music is an integral part of our worship, and everyone who would like to share their musical gifts with the congregation is encouraged to participate in the chancel choir, handbell choir, or other opportunities offered by the Music Director.

Our order of worship for our services vary, but typically it will be something like this:

Ringing the Church Bell
Gathering of the People
Welcome and Call to Worship
Opening Songs
Sharing Joys and Concerns
Children’s Moment
Listening for the Word
Song or Anthem
Holy Communion (first Sunday of the month)
Closing Song
Apostle’s Creed

At Holy Communion, all who love the Lord are welcome to come forward to receive the elements; you do not have to be a member of this church to do so. Young and old, gay and straight, male and female, saint and sinner, black, brown and white, all are welcome! Our “wine” is not alcoholic, and we also have the option of a gluten-free bread and cup.